So many of us walk through the world looking outside of ourselves for direction. Manka’s life's work is to work with clients on becoming the authority of themselves. She believes that honing the skill of resourcing our own truth from inside of ourselves, rather than those around us is the single most important skill we can have.

Through this, we trust. Through this we know we have every answer inside of ourselves that we possibly need.  Resourcing our own clarity from inside we learn to trust ourselves above anyone or anything. We know we have every answer inside that we need. 

own your superpower with radical self responsibility and radical self love,
claim every disowned part of you, that has been cast into the shadow of judgement. 
integrate and become whole again if you want to experience next level of love & expansion.


“It's her energy and presence. It feels so easy to go to a vulnerable space with her guidance”

CEO, Watobe (Sweden)


“I had a powerful experience during my session with Manka. She creates a safe space for you to go deep and heal”

CEO, Winda (KENYA)


“Manka offered me a session to confront a major, vexing life decision. It led to clarity and, by the end of it, a sense of relief. It has shaped how I feel about the possibilities.”

Climate expert, India

Manka is trained as a professional life coach from integrative coaching, cape town. trained in transpersonal psychotherapies, her expertise lies in transcending the ego through an evolving relationship with the self. she treats the mind-body as an integrated complex and the body as the host of the subconscious mind. her work focuses a lot on emotions -  what messages they carry and how to dislodge trauma and tension stored in the body. resolving duality and inner conflicts frees up space for more energy, clarity, joy and ease and can be physically experienced as more relaxation, vitality and lightness in the body and the mind.

As a yogi, Manka is a internationally certified Kundalini Yoga and meditation teacher from India. She leads retreats and teaches online to a diverse community across Europe, Africa, Asia and UK. In Kenya, she has taught at Watamu Treehouse, Kisima Festival in Kilifi, Yoga Cafe in Nairobi and for the Indian High Commission. she has been working with the United Nations since 2015.  Certified by the Kundalini Research Institute (KRI), Manka is among the new generation of teachers trained for the Aquarian Age. She is initiated in the Siddha path as an energy healer and incorporates breathwork and powerful mantras in her coaching programmes to cleanse & strengthen the body's electro-magnetic field.